We're in the business of changing lives!

Our team takes a holistic approach to career development and your job search.

Using a robust set of tools, training and resources, we empower you to take control of your career search with our time tested approach.

Targeted Approach

Impactful Resume

Unique Brand Creation

Expert Coaching

Salary & Benefit Negotiations

Let us help you stack rank and target companies that fit with your professional goals and objectives.

We’ll work with you to create a compelling resume features key elements and tells your story. 

Let us help you elevate your online presence and industry reputation by creating your unique, professional brand.  

Our team will provide you with an in-depth information about our client companies, and help you create a compelling interviewing strategy.

Know your market value, the value of your benefits and salary.  Seal the deal!

Define Your Goals

We encourage professionals to carve their own paths when embarking on a career search.  Begin by identifying companies doing things you’re passionate about.  


Do your research and develop a targeted list of companies.  One of the biggest challenges in a career search is not know what opportunities are available. Most people default to checking with job boards, not knowing that some of the best companies never even post their careers!  


Leverage our decades of experience and extensive network of contacts to accelerate your outreach to key stakeholders.

Create & Manage Your Unique Brand

Everyone has a brand, whether they realize it or not.   At a minimum, how do you ensure that brand doesn’t blow your chances of landing your dream job?  And ideally, how do you become a thought leader?


Your brand is your biggest differentiator.  It is far easier to get an interview when the hiring manager already know who you are.  Social media has allowed us to network at hyper speed, so boosting your reputation is a matter engaging with the right crowd of people regarding the topics that you’re passionate about.  

Create a Compelling Resume that Tells Your Story

Resumes are the cornerstone of a career search, yet most people absolutely hate writing them.  And frankly, most people hate reading them too; on average you’ve got 7 seconds to grab a recruiter or hiring manager’s attention.  No pressure, right?


The challenge of creating a great resume usually stems from a lack of know-how and direction.  How do you decide what to include?  What will the reader find interesting?  How do you concisely highlight your career accomplishments and tell your story?  


Get resume direction from experts that have decades of experience in hiring and talent acquisition.

Nail That Interview

There’s just no bigger make-or-break event in the job seeking process than the interview.  You only get one opportunity to land the job.  Have you done everything you can to prepare?  Would you even know if you didn’t?


Interviews are wide-ranging; different companies use different methods, processes, and questions.  No two are alike.  Preparing for interviews is very much like preparing for the unknown.  We can help with that.


We’ll conduct mock interviews so you’re prepared to answer questions fully as you shape your narrative, help you define the value you bring.  and assist you with managing the different stages of the interview process.

Negotiate Intelligently

Nobody wants to leave money on the table.  For most people, negotiation is uncomfortable.  You’ve come so far in landing your dream job, how do you ensure you finish strong and get the best possible offer?


Most of the uneasiness around negotiation comes from a lack of understanding or rather lack of practice.  As infrequently as most people interview, they negotiate final offers even less.  Like all other phases of the job-seeking process, it comes down to building your knowledge base to have the confidence to negotiate well.


We’ve negotiated on behalf of hundreds of professionals.  We’ll ensure you’re well versed in current market salary trends, help you evaluate all aspects of a proposed compensation package, and keep you abreast of where companies may have flexibility and where you may have leverage.